Frequently asked questions

In this section, you can review the responses to
some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs).


What does "regeneration" mean?

Regeneration is the process of renewal.

Built in the late 1960s, the existing Cambridge Road Estate has outlived its original purposes. As such, the living environment does not meet modern standards, impacting health, education and social outcomes. It is also an estate that is difficult to get around and difficult to police due to its poor lighting and layout.

The regeneration of the estate presents a significant opportunity to both increase residents' standard of living and the number of council rent homes available in the borough — so we can help more people to have the secure home they deserve.

What is included in the estate-wide regeneration?

The regeneration will provide 2,170 new high-quality sustainable 'greener' homes, including 941 affordable homes, of which 767 will be council-rented, improved community facilities, green streets, play areas and other outdoor spaces, new jobs, local training opportunities and an enhanced estate layout to provide a brighter and safer neighbourhood.

Where can I find information about the approved planning application?

Background Papers for the Cambridge Road Estate Planning Application are available on the Kingston Council planning portal at https://www.kingston.gov.uk/downloads/download/415/cambridge-road-estate-planning-application-2002942ful---background-papers

Who is Kingston Council working with to deliver the regeneration?

Kingston Council is working with development partner Countryside to deliver much-needed new homes with the 'green' credentials to match the borough's ambitious programme for more accessible, affordable and sustainable homes fit for the future.

More information about Countryside is available on the CRE regeneration website at https://www.cambridgeroadestate.com/about-countryside.

How long will it take to complete the regeneration of the estate?

The regeneration is anticipated to take between 12 to 15 years, over five phases.

Development projects, particularly large-scale ones like Cambridge Road Estate, involve coordinating numerous teams and stages, which makes it difficult to provide precise timelines from the outset. To ensure transparency and keep everyone informed, we share general timelines at the start and refine them with more specific dates as the project progresses. This approach acknowledges the complex nature of regeneration while keeping the community engaged with regular updates.


When will demolition begin?

Demolition work for phases 1a and 1b took place in Spring 2023. Construction works for the first new blocks in Phase 1 are now underway. Hoarding works for phase 1c will soon begin.

What hours will people be working on site?

Construction work hours are as follows:

  • 0800 – 1800 Monday to Friday
  • 0800 – 1300 Saturday
  • No working on Sundays or on Bank Holidays
How are you minimising disruption during demolition?

We will aim to minimise disruption through a number of ways, including:

  • Strictly adhering to hours of work.
  • Managing the timing and routes of vehicle deliveries.
  • Monitoring dust, noise and vibration.
  • Reducing noise and vibration through the use of specially designed machinery.
  • Reducing dust through water spraying.
  • Site security.
  • Careful use of lighting..

These commitments are secured by way of a planning condition.

Considerate Constructors Scheme:

Countryside is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme, an independent organisation established in 1997 to raise standards in the construction industry. All sites are regularly and independently inspected and scored against the Scheme's Code of Considerate Practice.

How will the site be accessed?

The only access and exit to phase 1 (1a and 1b) will be via the recently installed Hawks Road crossover. This is the junction between Washington Road and Hawks Road and is a controlled access for construction vehicles only.

Who can I contact if I need to report an issue with something happening on-site?

Please contact the Countryside Community Liaison Officer for the project, Katherina Robinson. Katherina can be contacted by email at katherina.robinson@cpplc.com or by telephone at 07867 195 118.

Noticeboards with contact details for the Community Liaison Officer will also be available on on-site hoardings.

Will we continue to receive updates about what is happening?


Upcoming milestone events, activities and achieved targets will continue to be communicated to residents and neighbours.

Newsletters, website updates, social media and other related communications will continue throughout the regeneration period.

Where can I find out more about Countryside and construction?

A Meet the Builder session was held in late October 2022. The exhibition boards from this session are available for review on this website at https://www.cambridgeroadestate.com/assets/pdf/CRE-Meet-the-Builders%20October-2022.pdf.

Regeneration phases

Which phase of the regeneration do I live in?
Regeneration phases

Phase 1 is divided into 3 subphases as below:

  1. a: Tadlow, Piper Hall
  2. b: Ely Court, Washington Rd (1–13), Willingham Way (2–14 evens)
  3. c: Fulbourn, Comberton, Grantchester

Phase 2 is divided into 2 subphases

  1. 2a: Westwick, Chesterton Terrace (houses)
  2. 2b: Connington, Fordham, Caldecote, Chippenham, Burwell

Phase 3:
Madingley, Oakington, Graveley, Croxton, Harston, Brinkley, Burritt Road (houses).

Phase 4:
Willingham Way (houses 1–21 odds), Cambridge Grove Road (Flats 47, 47a, 47b, 49, 49a, 49b), Cambridge Grove Road (30–50 evens), Foxton, Impington, Shelford, Duxford.

Phase 5:
Franklin Close, Willingham Way (houses 16–30 evens, 23–49 odds), Cambridge Grove Road (2–28 evens), Cambridge Grove Road (Flats 51, 51a, 51b, 53, 53a, 53b), Vincent Road, Stapleford, Childerley.

CRE masterplan map

This masterplan shows the proposed block locations in the regenerated neighbourhood.

CRE masterplan map

The anticipated demolition start dates for each phase are as follows:

Anticipated demolition timelines for the start of each phase

Phase 1 commenced spring 2023
Phase 2 is expected to commence in early 2025
Phase 3 is currently anticipated to commence in 2026
Phase 4 is currently anticipated to commence in 2029
Phase 5 is currently anticipated to commence in 2030

Phase 2

When was the consent for Phase 2 granted?

A hybrid planning application was approved in July 2022. This included the detailed plans for Phase 1 and an outline for plans for Phases 2–5, to deliver around 2,170 new homes.

How does Phase 2 and the RMA fit together?

The detailed elements of Phase 2 were reserved for later approval. Construction on Phase 2 cannot begin until the detailed elements are approved through an RMA.

Throughout 2024, we will be developing our detailed plans and encouraging members of the public to share their feedback along the way.

How will the various tenancy types be distributed between buildings, and how will this be decided?

Blocks in Phase 2 contain a mixture of social rent, shared equity and private market homes. The distribution of these homes within the three Phase 2 blocks will be confirmed as more detailed designs emerge.

How can I get involved and share my feedback on detailed plans for Phase 2?

We will be holding two community drop-in sessions at the Archway Parish Rooms, 11 Daffodil Walk, KT1 3JL on:

  • Wednesday 25th September, 3:30pm – 6pm
  • Saturday 28th September, 2:30pm – 5pm

If you can’t attend the in-person events, we will also be hosting a webinar (online) session:

Calling all young people!

Are you aged under 18 and living on or around the Estate CRE? If so, we’d love to see you at our upcoming youth event, where the project team are keen to hear what’s most important to you when thinking about the landscaping and equipment in open spaces to be incorporated in Phase 2.

  • Tuesday 17th September, 5pm – 7pm
  • Dickerage Sports & Community Centre, Dickerage Road, New Malden, KT3 3EQ

Community facilities

Will there be community facilities available while Piper Hall is demolished and rebuilt during phase 1 of the regeneration programme?

Queen Mary Hall has been identified as the temporary community centre to replace Piper Hall until the new community centre for the Cambridge Road Estate is completed in phase 1. This is to ensure facilities remain available in the neighbourhood. Queen Mary Hall is located very close to the Cambridge Road Estate, positioned directly opposite on Cambridge Gardens.

Refurbishment of QMH is complete and this new community facility is now in use.

Social value

What is social value?

The UK Green Building Council gives a clear definition: “Social value is created when buildings, places and infrastructure support environmental, economic and social wellbeing".

What social value themes will the CRE regeneration focus on?

There are four key themes that our social value strategy is responding to. These are:

  1. Improving health and wellbeing
  2. Investing in communities (including the community chest element)
  3. Supporting employment, education and skills
  4. Creating opportunities for young people

Tree protection

Will trees be protected?

The regeneration plans have been carefully designed to allow a number of existing trees to be retained. Measures will be put in place to protect these trees at all stages of the construction works.

Tree protection will be in line with the British Standard BS5837. This standard details the steps that should be taken to ensure trees are appropriately and successfully retained when a development takes place.

Fencing will be erected around the trees, preventing pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Materials storage will be located away from the trees.

Opportunities for local people and businesses

What opportunities will there be for local people?

A significant employment and training package has been secured which provides Kingston Council with financial contributions to support employment support services, skills development, employment and apprenticeships, and local businesses.

Up to 400 sustainable jobs in construction will be filled by local people. This includes jobs of at least 26 weeks in duration.

Approximately 100 apprenticeships covering levels 2–7 for local people or students.

Up to 500 local youth employment opportunities for residents and students such as industry placements, internships, traineeships, work experience and mentoring.

Opportunities will be provided for local businesses to supply goods and services to the construction with the ambition to enable at least 10% of the value to be sourced locally. Help will be provided to local businesses to enable them to tender for opportunities.


Who can I contact if I need to report an issue with something happening on-site?

If you have any construction-related queries, please contact Countryside using the contact details on our Contact page at https://www.cambridgeroadestate.com/contact.

Who can I contact if I have a general question about the regeneration of the estate?

If you have any other enquiries about the regeneration, please find the contact details on our Contact page at https://www.cambridgeroadestate.com/contact and get in touch.

Rehousing for my phase has started, can I get some independent advice?

For independent advice, please find the contact details on our Contact page at https://www.cambridgeroadestate.com/contact.